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Spring 2025 League Information and Registration Links

Spring 2025 Team Mom Registration for all ages

Middle School League - Registration has ended
Spring 2025 Player Registration has ended

Spring 2025 Head Coach Registration for all ages has ended

Spring 2025 Team Registration for 11/12 Rec, 11/12 OTM, 13/14 Rec, and YMBA (No individual player registration) has ended

Spring 2025 League Information

Please note, all information contained below is subject to change based on final registration numbers and weather.

4 Year Olds - T-ball, plays on Saturdays only (weather permitting), usually at Miracle League Field at Wald Park, no regular practice

5 Year Olds - Coach pitch with tee backup, plays most games on Saturdays, some weeknight games, usually at Moss Field at Cahaba Heights Park, 1 practice per week for 1 hour during season

6 Year Olds - Coach pitch, plays each Saturday and 1 weeknight most weeks, usually at Fox Field at Cahaba Heights Park, 1 practice per week for 1.5-2 hours (includes cage time)

7 Year Olds - Coach pitch, Coach pitch, plays each Saturday and 1 weeknight most weeks, usually at Reese Field at Cahaba Heights Park, 1 practice per week for 2 hours (includes cage time)

8 Year Olds - Coach pitch, plays each Saturday and 1 weeknight most weeks, usually at Kelly Field at Cahaba Heights Park, 1 practice per week for 2 hours (includes cage time)

9 Year Olds - Kid pitch, plays each Saturday and 1 weeknight most weeks, usually at Field 2 at Wald Park, 1 practice per week for 2 hours (includes cage time)

10 Year Olds - Kid pitch, plays each Saturday and 1 weeknight most weeks, usually at Field 3 at Wald Park, 1 practice per week for 2 hours (includes cage time)

11 and 12 Year Olds - Recreational and Competitive (OTM) Leagues are both offered at this age group

  • Rec - Kid pitch, plays each Saturday and 1 weeknight most weeks, Field 4 at Wald Park or Liberty Park, 1 practice per week for 2 hours (includes cage time)
  • OTM - Kid pitch, plays some Saturdays and 1-2 weeknights most weeks, home games at Field 4 at Wald Park or Liberty Park and away games at other area parks, 1 practice per week for 2 hours (includes cage time)

13 and 14 Year Olds - Recreational and Competitive (Middle School League) are both offered at this age group

  • Rec - Kid pitch, plays each Saturday and 1 weeknight most weeks, home games at Liberty Park or Pizitz and away games at other area parks, 1 practice per week for 2 hours (includes cage time)
  • OTM - Kid pitch, plays a doubleheader most Saturdays and 1-2 weeknights most weeks, Liberty Park or Pizitz, 1 practice per week for 2 hours (includes cage time)

15-18 Year Olds - YMBA League - Team Registration only, plays Sunday through Thursday at Liberty Park, Spain Park, and Heardmont Park

2025 11/12 OTM Team Registration Info

Season Begins - Saturday, 3/1
12 games - 6 home, 6 away
Teams must be available 2 Saturdays (3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 4/5, 4/12, 4/19)
Teams pay both umpires and provide 4 baseballs for their home games
3 Divisions of play per age group - AAA, AA, A
Single elimination tournament to end the season - either 4/21-4/24 or 4/28-5/1 (weather determined, decision announced in early April)
Cost is $365 per team - $240 of that is a refundable deposit that will be returned as long as the team shows up for all scheduled games and makes a good faith effort to reschedule rainouts

2024 GBBA Information (2025 info coming soon)

Tournament Schedule and Tentative Locations

Seeding Games (3 games per team) - 5/8-5/11
Pool Play Games (6 games per team) - 5/13-5/30 - Mondays through Thursdays except Memorial Day, Fridays can be used for makeups at the Tournament Director's discretion, Saturdays and Sundays are by mutual agreement of the coaches
Double Elimination Tournament - 6/1-6/8 - This may be extended for weather or unforeseen circumstances with approval of the GBBA Board to 6/14

6 Year Olds - Hoover East
7 Year Olds - Mountain Brook
8 Year Olds - Homewood
9 Year Olds - Shades Mountain and Oak Mountain
10 Year Olds - Vestavia Hills
11/12 Year Olds - Vestavia Hills